Wednesday 2 July 2008

This blog

This blog was intended to be incorporated in a new Web site for a new music label company in Paris. This all ended when my collaborator, Gerald Dierick, beat me. He works for L'eclaireur Music of the boutiques L'eclaireur and was supposedly working on the "Docks en Seine" project for the company. I was left with a swollen foot and bruises on my body that lasted over a week. He denied this fact and turned the whole story against me, making me look like the aggressor instead. He is a former guitarist, musician under the name of Gadje and his proper name. His Web site is:
He now works at the Cite de la mode et du design, also called Docks en Seine. It is a scandal that a man who beats women can sill still have a proper position.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Concert: Joyzza

Joyzza, a young and hip French singer will be performing at the "Set de la Butte" tonight at 8 p.m. in Paris. Her music is a mix of jazz, hip-hop and soul put together. Some of her songs can be heard on myspace:

Monday 31 March 2008

Exhibition: Mark Rothko

Over 100 works by Russian-born American painter Mark Rothko are on display at the Exhibition Gallery of the Hypo Cultural Foundation in Munich, Germany. The exhibition's focus is to provide visitors with a survey of his career from early figurative works to his more typical abstract expressionist works. The "Retrospective" show continues until April 27th.

Concert: Twice

Margot Poirier and Andreas Eriksen of "Twice" will be performing in Bourges, France April 17th at 3 p.m. The hip and trendy combo are quite a show on stage, both give off a funky and young energy that will leave you addicted. For more information about the group, contact L'eclaireur Music at To get a sample of their music, check them out on myspace:

Sunday 30 March 2008

Festival: Björk, Battles, Booka Shade and more...

The Knebworth Park in Hertfordshire, England will host the annual "Wild in the Country" festival July 5th. The famed location has been the ground for concerts of Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Oasis and Ella Fitzgerald. Known for their cuttting-edge music, this year's festival will be host by Björk. This is the occasion to discover newer bands such as New Yorker Battles and British group Foals.

Exhibition: Hans Arp and Fritz Winter

The exhibition, "Dialogue Without Encounter," is about the artistic dialogue between Hans Arp and Fritz Winter in the 1930s. 60 works are displayed in the show, some are collages and reliefs by Arp and some are "bio-morph" works (organic shapes, natural materials such as sand and fabrics) that Winter created from the dada influence of Arp. The show is on until May 12th at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, Germany.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Opera: David Lynch's "Lost Highway"

David Lynch's psychological thriller, "Lost Highway," is adapted into an opera at the Young Vic Theatre in London. The new adaptation is written by Olga Neuwirth and directed by Diane Paulus. The story is about a troubled jazz musician named Fred Madison who is in search of an identity, orientation and desire. The opera will be showing from April 4th to 11th.